Little coats for Mamzelle de Paris


Salut mes amis!  Here’s a quick update on a few things that have been going on in the world of Matilda Pink.  The sweetest thing was an article by the wonderful Ian Price in FDQ magazine.  If you can’t find the magazine at your local bookstore, check them out here.   For vintage doll lovers like me, you’ll immediately appreciate Francie on the cover.  And it gets better!  This issue also introduces Anouk, a new fashion muse with vintage style.  And for my fellow Blythe enthusiasts, Dolly Treasures, the Instagram Superstar, is also featured.  Doll friends, you MUST see it!

Now, as far as what I’ve been sewing…..well, not as much as I want to!  There are a few new items for Mamzelle de Paris in my esty shop.  And before that, there was a very fun project for a dear friend, but I don’t have any of my own photos, so that story will have to wait!


Some winter coats for Mamzelle de Paris!

Hi Dolly Friends!

Just a quick note to let you know I haven’t forgotten about Mamzelle de Paris!  It’s December and this girl needs appropriate outerwear!  I’m posting these in my Etsy shop , Matilda Pink.  As a special gift, you’ll also receive a pair of faux leather white boots with the purchase of each coat.  After all, it’s hard finding footwear for this girl!


Cheers and Dolly Hugs!

Mamzelle de Paris


feeling chic!

feeling chic!

It’s been a while since my last posting, but that doesn’t mean I haven ‘t been busy with doll business!  Today I’m going to show you a unique and rare doll.  This is Mamzelle de Paris, and she is a reproduction of a French doll from the 1960’s.  Created after the illustrations of Edmund Kiraz, the original vintage doll was called La Parisienne de Kiraz.  A vintage Kiraz doll is almost impossible to find, but happily for us, a reproduction doll was recently created and made available in very limited quantities.  Have a look at the Mamzelle de Paris website to find out the latest info.


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