A few Joys are looking for new adventures….

Pastel Joy

The dolly shelves have gotten a little crowded and some girls have to go.  These three Joy dolls from my personal collection are going on eBay tonight, starting at 6:45 PT.  I hope that they find fun adventures and appreciative homes.  Check out some more pictures…..

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Grannykins by Royal




So it may come as no surprise to anyone that has seen my doll collection that I tend to prefer buying ‘fixer-upper-dolls” instead of pristine, NRFB (never-removed-from-box) dolls.  It’s the satisfaction of fixing something up.  Well, I don’t have any before pictures of this Grannykins, so you’ll have to take my word for it.   She was not so nice when she first arrived.  She’s feeling much better now, thank you very much.  She reminds me a bit of the Dowager Countess from Downton Abbey…. Continue reading

Lonely Lisa in the Great Woods

Alone in the Great Woods

Alone in the Great Woods

Months ago (has it really been that long?) I started a Lonely Lisa project.  Lisa was a floppy, filthy mess.  She was cleaned up, re-stuffed, accidentally ripped and mended.  Today, she’s a tidy girl, and warmly dressed for woodland adventures….. Continue reading

How (not) to re-stuff a vintage Lonely Lisa doll….


Here she is, holding that stuffing with unwarranted optimism.

So today I decided to finish up the Lonely Lisa doll I started fixing this week.  I am cringing a little as I think about the following pictures coming your way.  Don’t judge me!  She’s still a pretty thing, she’s just far from perfect…..Remember, I rescued her from the landfill….. Continue reading

Lonely Lisa gets a bath….


The before picture

I thought it might be fun to blog the make-over of a vintage Lonely Lisa doll, from start to finish.  I’m not a doll restorer, so my methods might not be the best.  However, the dolls that find their way into my hands are usually one step away from the land fill, so I don’t think I’m ruining anything precious.  Here we go!

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Lonely Lisa doll by Royal


Lonely Lisa in 17″ and 22″ versions

Love them or hate them, big eyes were everywhere in the sixties and seventies.  If you were alive, you might have had a Margaret Keane-like painting of a sad waif on your bedroom wall.  Or maybe you knew someone who had weepy, creepy clowns decorating their family room.  At the time I had little appreciation for this artwork (it gave me the willies) but I did (and still do) love the dolls born out of this era, especially Royal Doll Company’s Lonely Lisa.

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Joy in the New York Times….


Joy would make a wonderful Christmas gift….especially in 1965! Here’s a peak at some of the super cute styles available back then….

Joy was a very fashionable little girl.  I found this vintage newspaper insert from the New York Times with lots of toys that were available at Abraham & Strauss.  Joy popped up throughout the catalog.  Take a peak- Continue reading

Joy, with some new clothes….

Let me just say, Joy is a lot of fun to dress.  A toddler with that much eye makeup makes an interesting model.  Anyway, most of these outfits are available at my etsy shop Lemieux Doll Boutique .

Just sayin’.


Joy in her beach cover-up. Her glasses are borrowed from Hasbro’s Lorifina.


Joy and her twin ready for a little summer fun!  Check it out here!


She’s ready for her close-up!


Another beach coverup