Berdine Creedy


Helena by Berdine Creedy, not my photo.

There are some truly wonderful people in the doll industry and I have been fortunate to meet a few of the artists that I admire most.  Berdine Creedy is one of them.  As gracious and kind as she is bold and creative, Berdine sculpts whimsical, child-like dolls with unique personalities.  I thought I’d share some of the clothing design work that I have done for her.

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Throw Back Thursday- Cynthia My Best Friend by Mattel


Vintage Cynthia doll

Thought it would be fun to do a “Throw Back Thursday” entry today.  A couple of years ago, I stumbled upon a Cynthia and her wardrobe box.  Cynthia was made in 1971 and featured little records that could be inserted to allow her to “speak”.  My girl has several records, but I don’t have a battery handy so I can’t test out her mechanism.  She’s just under twenty inches and is a fabulous clothes horse.  Check out her wardrobe! Continue reading

A newly dressed Furga Simona


Princess Simona in her evening clothes

Princess Simona in her evening clothes

The last few months have been crazy.  Can anyone else relate?  I haven’t spent as much time in the doll studio as I would like, and that has been a little frustrating.  Yesterday, we in the South were hit by Winter Storm Leon.  It’s nice to find myself snuggled inside, with all my doll work in front of me.  Oh, where to start? Continue reading